Excerpts from the Lars John Redberg Diaries of 1909 - 1912 of Life in South Tillamook County especially of Oretown, Oregon.

Edna Redberg very kindly excerpted these interesting portions of the Lars John Redberg Diaries and provided them to NVMS. Nestucca Valley Middle School students typed these excerpts during the fall of 2002 as part of their technology classes. Note that the complete diaries of Lars John Redberg spanning many years are in the Pioneer Museum in Tillamook, Oregon. They were donated by Erwin and Edna Redberg.

The following diary entries were typed during the fall of 2002 by Jared, 8th grader, and Heather, 8th grader, and edited by Dean Bones.

Page 12 -  January 1909 - October 5, 1909

Jan. 1, 1911 -

Jan. 2, 1911 - This forenoon Gertrude and I sold 1 1/2 acres of land, more or less, to F. W. Berger.

Jan. 3, 1911 -I nailed batents on my barn.

Jan 6, 1911- We attended a dance at Commons in their new house this evening. We arrived home at 5:30 AM

Jan. 8, 1911 - Attended Sunday School. Irve Smith and family, Ole and family, and myself and family spent the afternoon and had dinner with Father & Mother today.

Jan. 9, 1911 - Ole finished covering his house roof.

Jan. 10, 1911 - Ole, Irve and I laid some flooring in Ole's new addition.

Jan. 11, 1911 - Ole & Family brought their ice cream freezer to our house, and we had an enjoyable evening eating ice cream & playing Pedro. Still batenting my barn.

Jan. 14, 1911 - Cold & clear. Ice froze in our bedroom last night. I went to Penters at 12:30 tonight to phone Dr. Brown for Jessie Ward as we tried for nearly an hour to get him from Oretown line.

Jan. 18, 1911 - Mr. Porter, Earl Porter, Ole, Herbie and I went in Earl's launch over on Conder's tideland after a long cedar timber for Ole. We got wet.

Jan. 19, 1911 - Mr. Porter, Earl Porter, Irve Smith, Ole and I went over on the sand spit in Porter's launch after fence posts and other materials. We brought a raft around to the tideland. Some snow drifts yet.

Jan. 20, 1911 - We went over on the sandspit again. Ole brought Porter's green boat full of posts around the bay to the tideland while the rest of us tied the raft and launch up at the cannery dock, and we came over the hill. The launch would not pull. We all attended a social at the Grange Hall tonight. Had a program, ice cream and neckties were sold for partners for supper. The proceeds of the sale of ice cream and neckties was nearly $39.00 to be used for the new church which will be built. We came home at 3:00 AM

Jan 24, 1911 - Went to spit for Redwood log.

Jan. 28, 1911 Attended Grange - had 25 visitors present from Pacific City & Cloverdale.

Jan. 30, 1911 Grangers worked on horse shed at Grange Hall today. 12 of us went with Ole and Mr. Porter with their teams & wagons up in Rock's Canyon and cut 2 wagon loads of shake bolts for boards to finish the horse shed.

Jan. 31, 1911 14 of us, working a greater part of the day, finished the horse shed.

Continue to page 13, Redberg Diaries, January 2, 1910 - April 8, 1910

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